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The Interview Process

5. Interview

An interview is perhaps the most important stage of your road to employment.

Hiring managers can assess your fit and potential through the interview discussion to make the final decision. The interview experiences also allow you to better understand the role and assess fit for the company. Hence, the interview process should always go both ways.

The Interview Process

The interview process can vary from company to company. It is vital that you prepare, practice, and conduct yourself appropriately throughout the process to successfully appeal and present yourself. Below is a breakdown of a common interview process.

  • Screening

During the screening process, the company will review your job application and assess your qualification based on your resume. If you are considered to be a potential good fit, you will be contacted for a simple screening phone call or an actual test of skills (usually online), if the job position calls for a technical skill demonstration (ex. Coding).

  • Initial Interview

During the initial interview, you will talk to either an HR leader or the hiring manager of the position you have applied for. The initial interview may either happen via a phone or Skype call. Interviewers

will ask various questions ranging from technical to behavioral questions to carefully validate and assess the skills and past work experiences presented in your resume.

  • Final Interview

The final interview is usually conducted in person with the hiring manager, team leader, department leaders, or CEO. At this stage, the company is highly interested in your candidacy and there is a high

chance for a job offer discussion to follow.

Refer to Appendix: Interview for further information on interviews.

HRCap TIP 12: Interview Preparation

  • Research information on the interviewer (name, title, work history) prior to your interview. You can get meaningful information and insights by knowing their current position and background through their LinkedIn profiles.

  • Ask the interviewer about their experience with the company and how they have become successful. You want to show that you are interested, which in turn will make you much more memorable to the interviewer.

Interview Format

There are many different ways interviews can be conducted.

Companies have preferences on what type of interview they wish to conduct, for who and when. The following are common types of interviews.

HRCap TIP 13: Video Interview Preparation

  • Conduct a test run with peers to ensure no technical issues (ex. voice and video quality).

  • Dress up as you would for an in-person interview.

  • Be focused in the center of the camera/video.

  • Be in a relatively clean area with no ambient noises.

  • Use a computer and not a mobile phone.

HRCap TIP 14: Meal Interview Considerations

  • Be conscious of your words. An interview during a meal puts you in a more relaxed situation and allows the interviewer to observe you in a different environment.

  • Try to order the same meal as the interviewer. You want everything to come out at the same time.

  • Try to keep the meal simple (ex. Pasta).

  • Remember that you may shake hands after the interview.

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