Prominent South Korean media sources have extensively covered the appointment and induction of CEO Andrew Sungsoo Kim into a prestigious biographical registry, marking a significant milestone. They highlight how he is the first Korean in the HR field to be acknowledged in the U.S. edition of Marquis Who’s Who and how he has transformed the HR landscape by pioneering the global K-HR movement.
HRCap's Chief Marketing Officer Stella H. Kim writes her fourth Korea Daily expert column of 2024 on how improving the candidate experience is the key to managing talent attraction and retention in today's market. To optimize the candidate experience, employers must prioritize conducting strong interviews and proactively engage candidates throughout the hiring process.
Fostering an exceptional employee experience is a strategic imperative for companies aiming to attract and retain top talent. From the moment employees step through the door to their eventual transition, leaders must orchestrate a range of initiatives to develop a positive employee journey.
We recommend all employees to review the 10 proven strategies for unlocking a positive employee experience to reap substantial rewards that will propel their business forward with engaged, motivated teams.

HRCap released our fifteenth episode of Instatoons, sharing our expert knowledge on the hurdles women employees face and how organizations can best support them.
Follow us and learn about the obstacles women employees face in their career and the importance of empowering and supporting women leaders.

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