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HRCap Speaks at 2022 Global HR Forum (Issue #170)

The 2022 Global HR Forum is having its 17th anniversary on November 2-3, 2022. Among many guest speakers, our Managing Director, Stella H. Kim has been invited to speak on cultural trends and expectations of the Millennials and Generation Z.

We were recognized by NJBIZ as 2021 Top 120 Best Places to Work in NJ and named 2022 Top 10 Executive Search Firm by Manage HR Magazine. Our HRCap CEO Andrew Sungsoo Kim was also named 2022 NJBIZ ICON Honoree for his industry expertise and leadership.

Our catalogue details our history and offerings, as well as client and candidate testimonials that highlight our unparalleled white glove services.

{ Motivational Quote }

Let's start the week strong by taking a swing at every opportunity as it will only raise our chances of success.

{ HR Insight }

Companies must always conduct background and reference checks to catch false information on a resume, thereby making better hires from the get-go.

{ National Hispanic Heritage Month - Motivational Quote }

Sonia Sotomayor is the first Hispanic and the third woman to serve on the High Court. She is known as "the judge who saved baseball" for ending a Major League Baseball strike and ruling in the players' favor.

{ National Hispanic Heritage Month! }

It is National Hispanic Heritage Month! Let's celebrate and honor the beautiful Hispanic culture throughout the month.

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