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HRCap CEO 2021 Message (Issue #123)

HRCap CEO 2021 Message

On behalf of everyone at HRCap, Happy New Year!

We are entering into the new year filled with excitement and confidence. HRCap has stayed focused throughout the pandemic, making systemic changes to overcome COVID-19 related global workforce challenges. Switching gears from “business as usual” into “innovation for new-business normal” was a catalyst for expedited investment in Digital Transformation (DX). In doing so, we have restructured and repositioned for a strategic entry into the highly competitive post-pandemic world.

2021 will be an year of greater expansion of our digital business infrastructure as we nurture sustainable digital transformation and strengthen organizational capabilities. HRCap’s approach is two-fold. Externally, we will focus on transforming our client experience with customized client touch-points and deepened understanding of the client business and market. We will provide the highest-quality service delivery with industry-leading digital talent strategies and an unmatched spirit of excellence. Internally, we will drive greater transformation of our business model through digital technology, operational processes, and organizational competence. HRCap will continue to beget innovation by strengthening our organizational capabilities, driving a culture of agility, and honoring our core values of Speed, Quality, Collaboration, and Value Creation with highest integrity. We have become comfortable with the uncertainty, armed with brand empowerment, organizational readiness, and lessons learned from unprecedented challenges. HRCap understands that there is a social responsibility to uphold. We strive to establish the global standard by approaching the competition with differentiated strategies that increase synergistic partnerships and services. The 2030 HRCap New Vision, declared in 2020, is a reminder of our vision of becoming not the biggest, but the best Asian Total HR Solutions Provider. We ask you to partner and transform with us as we drive expansion, innovation, and elevation of services. We look forward to working closely with you, and wish you greater happiness and health in 2021. Andrew Sungsoo Kim HRCap Founder & CEO

We look to deepen our strategic partnerships with valued clients and candidates in 2021.

Watch our DX video to see how we turned

challenges into opportunities to mark 2020

as our most significant milestone growth year.

View our recent to gain negotiation tips, hiring insights, and career guidance.

Download HRCap's Service Catalogue and The Road to Employment Guidebook.

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